User Dashboard
Welcome to BeeContact – build your professional digital profile in just a few clicks!
Your Social Links page consists of links that are connecting to your social media profiles and chat apps – it's important that you enter each one correctly (no guesswork!), otherwise it does not create the ‘self-linking’ properly.
Whichever Social Link fields you’ve entered, it creates the ‘self-linking’ to your social media profile or chat app automatically, and these will be displayed as the correspondence icons on your BeeContact profile. In this example, John Doe has filled out the Email, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and WhatsApp fields under the Social Links page, hence the correspondence icons are being displayed at the bottom.
When your BeeContact custom link is being shared to other people, these icons are clickable. For example, a single tap on any of the icons via a mobile device will either trigger an app or a browser to be opened so that they can contact you using a chat app or follow your social media channel via a browser.
What to enter in the field?
For each social media field, you only need to input your unique ID or Username (depending on third-party platforms unique identifier rules) – no full URLs! For example, if your Twitter profile URL link is, then “johndoe” would be your username, so just enter “johndoe” (without quotes).
There is one exception, you would need to enter the full email address e.g. for Email field.
Tip: After you've entered your Username/ ID, don't forget to test each link by simply tapping on the icons via your profile end (click the Go to profile button – see screenshot above)
How to find unique ID or Username?
Before we begin, let's understand what URL is – it stands for Uniform Resource Locator. A URL is nothing more than a unique web address that is located within the browser’s address bar (the first part of the URL is the http scheme).
Every user profile on Social Media has a unique URL, just like other pages on the Internet. Most social media platforms follow the same URL link structure when it comes to identifying a user profile e.g.
Below are some useful links and resources to find out your unique ID or Username for the most common social media platforms and chat apps. The precise steps will vary based on whether you are using a web browser or an app – we recommend using a web browser via desktop as it's easier to locate the URL of your social media profile (steps below are for desktop access mainly but it would be similar for app access).
In our examples below, we shall use "johndoe" as the username for consistency.
For privacy reasons, we recommend that you link to a Facebook Page and not your Facebook Profile (Personal Page).
To understand the difference between a Facebook Page and Facebook Profile – Click Here
a) To find out your Facebook Page username via an app:
In this example, one would enter johndoe in the Facebook Social Link field.
b) To find out your Facebook Page URL and username via a browser:
In this example, one would enter 1234567890 or johndoe in the Facebook Social Link field (depending on how the URL is structured of course).
Tip: You can double check your Facebook username by just putting it after and see where it takes you – if it's correct, you should be able to see your own Facebook Page.
Another example of Facebook Page URL, where the username is "iminiurl", see below screenshot:
For more info, see Facebook Help Community – Click Here
FB Messenger:
Your username to log-in to FB Messenger app is normally associated with your Facebook Personal Page URL.
In this case, for the FB Messenger field, the username is johndoe.
Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, Pinterest, Telegram, Twitch:
Now, with these social media platforms, all follow a similar URL link structure to identify a user profile. Follow the same pattern for each one, so if your username was johndoe, then your profile URL link would be structured as:
In this example, for the Social Link field, the username is johndoe.
Tip: If we take Instagram as an example, you can double check your username by just putting it after and see where it takes you – if it's correct, you should be able to see your own Instagram page!
It follows the same URL link structure to identify a user profile:
In this example, for the Social Link field, the username is johndoe.
However, some user profiles use the Medium sub-domain pages. A sub-domain is the part of a domain that comes before the main domain name. For example, – in this case, 'johndoe' is the sub-domain of the domain name 'Medium'.
At the moment, our system does not create the ‘self-linking’ for Medium sub-domain page. In general, having a link pointing to a sub-domain page is not a good SEO practice and that is the disadvantage. If we have enough demand for it, then we will add it in to accommodate users request.
Reddit is divided into many sub-sections such as sub-forums, message-boards etc, which is known as 'subreddit'. Subreddit page is normally structured in this format e.g In this example, the Social Link field would be johndoe-contact.
Users on reddit have profile pages just like Facebook personal page. In this example, for the Social Link field, the username is johndoe:
For LinkedIn Public Profile URL info – Click Here
It will be an address that starts with, e.g.
In this example, for the Social Link field, the username is johndoe.
For YouTube User and Channel IDs info – Click Here
It will be an address that starts with e.g.
In this example, for the Social Link field, ID is 1234567890.
This will link to your Spotify Playlist, for more info – Click Here
It will be an address that starts with e.g.
In this example, for the Social Link field, enter Playlist ID as 1234567890.
It will be an address that starts with, e.g.
In this example, for the Social Link field, the username is johndoe.
WhatsApp, Telephone:
Enter the number (with country code prefix) that is connecting to your chat apps . E.g. if your number is 07779 12345678 (UK mobile), then for the Social Link field, just enter +44777912345678 (as +44 is the country code for UK).
LINE Official Account:
For privacy reasons, enter your LINE Official Account ID (not LINE Personal ID). New to LINE Official Account? – Click Here
To create a new LINE Official Account, follow this guide – Click Here
For LINE Official Account ID info – Click Here
Enter your Viber ID (it uses the phone number as the ID).
For Viber ID info – Click Here
That would be your Skype login username.
PayPal Me:
For PayPal.ME official site info – Click Here
It will be an address that starts with e.g. (aka PayPal.Me link).
In this example, for the Social Link field, the username is johndoe.
GitHub, Discord:
By now, you should be familiar with how social media platform structured a URL link to identify a user profile. For each one, follow the same pattern, if your username was johndoe, then your profile URL link would be structured as:
In this example, for the Social Link field, the username is johndoe.
Tip: If we take GitHub as an example, you can double check your username by just putting it after and see where it takes you – if it's correct, you should be able to see your own Github page!
I am still not sure what is my unique ID or Username?
Please note that we offer priority support to Pro Members only.
However, there are plenty of resources over the Internet, you can Google it by entering key phrases in Google search box such as “What is my Facebook ID”, “What is my GitHub username” etc. YouTube is another good place to search also ...
I've followed this Wiki guide, but the link is not working?
Most likely, you've entered your ID/ Username incorrectly or it could be that the third-party has changed the Domain Name, URL Link Scheme or Structure in their social media platform. Contact us and explain which platform is not working for you. Use our Contact Form
Click to open an app Vs Click to open a browser
Whether an app or a browser is triggered via an end-user device (when an icon is being tapped on the BeeContact profile), that would depend on: